Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bea Miller

Bea Miller: Fire N Gold

A singer, songwriter. Lyrics and melodies  that takes you under. Thoughts are quiet. everything is silent as the song gives you a nice feeling that you cant help but just space out into the song. a song that you can put on high volume and on replay all day to block out the world. Never getting tier of hearing it. Its a song that gets stuck in your head, Letting the beautiful lyrics and music of combined instruments sound louder than your thoughts. 

ADC: Analog to digital converter. The part of a soundcard which an analog, real world sound like a voice or guitar and converts it to a numerical representation of the audio that a computer can manipulate. 

Clipping: This is the number of contiguous clipped samples (default 3 samples) that must be present before they will be labeled as an individual run. The higher the threshold, the less likely a clipped region will be recognized and the fewer labels that will be generated
This is the number of contiguous unclipped samples (default 3 samples) that must be present before the run of clipped samples will be terminated. The higher the threshold, the longer a clipped region will be and the fewer labels that will be generated.
Each individual run of clipped samples is marked in the format "number of number". For example, "11 of 11" means there are 11 samples in this run of clipped samples and all of them are clipped, while "9 of 11" means only nine samples in the run of 11 are clipped. In the case of a stereo track each channel will have its own label; if at one point both channels are clipped two labels will appear one above the other.
DAC: Digital to analog converter. The part of a soundcard which plays back a numerical representation of audio as an analog, real world sound like a voice or guitar.

Friday, March 27, 2015

NF5: Define The Terms


Sharp: Higher in pitch by a half-step

Flat: Lower in pitch by a half step

Natural: Without flats or sharps, as the key of C major


Wednesday, March 4, 2015


NF1:Quarter Note Madness


Staff: The horizontal lines on and between which notes are written or printed: the placement of a note on the staff indicates its pitch.

Time Signature: a sign consisting of one number over another, esp. after the key signature, indicating the unit of measurement and the number of beats in the following measure or measures (Ex.: 3/4 means three quarter-note beats); also, a nonnumerical sign used in this way (Ex.: C is often used instead of 4/4)

Measure: the notes or rests, or both, contained between two vertical lines on the staff; bar.

Bar: a vertical line across a staff, dividing it into measures.

Quarter Note:  a note having one fourth the duration of a whole note.